UC Alert: Due to inclement weather, University of Cincinnati campuses will close from 7 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 7 until 7 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 8.
Do you have a career opportunity to share with our students and alumni? The university uses Handshake, a free platform that makes it easy to post and share full- and part-time job openings.
New Users
If you're new to Handshake, follow these steps to create an account.
- Visit uc.joinhandshake.com/employer_registrations/new
- Fill in the required information and choose "Sign Up."
- Enter your recruiting interests and choose "Next: Employer Guidelines."
- Review the guidelines, terms of service and privacy policy.
- If you are a third-party recruiter, select "Yes" and review and agree to Handshake's third-party recruiter policy.
- If you are not a third-party recruiter, select "No" and choose "Next: Confirm Email."
- Verify your email address using the link sent to your email account. (If you do not receive an email in your main inbox, check your spam folder.) Once you verify your email address, Handshake will redirect you to the site.
Returning Users
If you have a user account with Handshake, follow these steps to connect to your company and request to connect to UC.
- Log into your account.
- Choose "Request" to connect with your company. Your company should pull up based on the domain of your email address, if it is already in Handshake. If it isn't, follow directions in the Handshake Help Center to create a new company profile.
- Choose "Next: Request to Connect to Schools" and select schools with which you want to connect. You must request and receive approval from a school prior to posting a job opening.
- Choose "Next: Finish" to complete your request. Please allow 3-5 business days for the university to approve your request to connect.
Find troubleshooting tips and how-to guides in the Handshake Help Center, or email UC Career Education at careereducation@uc.edu.