Let’s join together in spirit to celebrate University of Cincinnati's Homecoming!
Though this year’s events will look a little different, we’re excited to celebrate UC Homecoming 2020 to the theme of “Juncta Juvant,” which translates to “Strength in Unity.” It’s UC’s motto and describes how and why we’re able to band together as Bearcats, innovate and move forward in the face of this year’s challenges.
We hope you’ll participate in the slate of virtual events and contests we’ve scheduled for UC College of Nursing students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends to drum up spirit for the ol' red and black. Follow along on our College of Nursing Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts the week of Sept. 28 to Oct. 3, share your photos using #CONStrengthinUnity and tag us to win prizes! (See contest details below.)
And, don't forget to cheer on your Bearcats on Saturday, Oct. 3, (time TBD) as they take on the University of South Florida for this year's Homecoming football game.
Spirit Week Themes
Dress up to the daily theme! At the end of the week, we'll choose three of the most spirited individuals to receive a prize. To enter, share a photo of yourself in costume on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #CONStrengthinUnity and tag us!
- Monday, Sept. 28 – Tie Dye
- Tuesday, Sept. 29 – Superheroes (Show us what Strength in Unity means to you.)
- Wednesday, Sept. 30 – Formal Attire (Here's your excuse to get out of your pajamas and scrubs for a change!)
- Thursday, Oct. 1 – Throwback Thursday (Throw it back to your Homecoming years or your favorite decade!)
- Friday, Oct. 2 – Red and Black
- Saturday, Oct. 3 (Gameday) – Bearcat Spirit
Bearcats Trivia
Check our Facebook page for a UC trivia question posted daily at 8 p.m. EST, Sept. 28 through Oct. 2. The first person to comment on the post with the correct answer will win a prize!
Tailgate Appetizer Recipe Contest
Submit your best tailgate appetizer recipe by noon Thursday, Oct. 1. We'll choose three recipes for our panel of faculty, staff, student and alumni judges to make and taste during the UC Homecoming football game. The appetizer with the highest combined score from our judges will win a prize!
T-Shirt Design Contest
Help us design a College of Nursing T-shirt! Show us your creative side and incorporate this year's theme, Juncta Juvant (Strength in Unity) in your design. To enter, post a photo of your design by noon Thursday, Oct. 1, on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, tag us and use the hashtag #CONStrengthinUnity. A winner will be announced on social media on Friday, Oct. 2.
Pumpkin Carving Contest
Show your Bearcats spirit by decorating a pumpkin! Carve your design or use markers, construction paper or whichever materials you have handy. To enter, post a photo of your pumpkin by midnight Friday, Oct. 2, on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, tag us and use #CONStrengthinUnity. We'll announce winners on social media on gameday for most creative, most technical and best representation of this year's theme, Juncta Juvant (Strength in Unity).